Thor Spring 2023 Collection

Sentinel LTD Roost Guard____________________________________________ 04 Sentinel LTD Race____________________________________________________ 08 Prime Drive_ ___________________________________________________________ 10 Prime Freeze___________________________________________________________ 12 Range Jacket_ _________________________________________________________ 16 Range Jersey & Pant_ _________________________________________________ 18 Range Glove_ _________________________________________________________ 20 Cover: Aaron Plessinger Prime Drive Navy/White Tom Vialle Prime Freeze White/Red Spring 2023 Collection Boundaries, whether real or implied, limit our experiences. As riders, racers, and explorers, it is our duty to push past the boundaries and find new experiences. At THOR, our mission is to outfit all riders in that pursuit. For championship-proven performance on the track, look no further than our new Prime racewear and Sentinel LTD roost guards, a winning combination that ensures the best in lightweight, flexible, and breathable technology. For riders that are seeking the “edge of the map,” our new Range collection is expertly crafted to ensure durability, comfort, and protection during long rides in all types of conditions. Whatever boundaries you are looking to break, know that we are Built for This.